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Proposed Fairview development will make congested intersection worse, councillor argues

HALIFAX, N.S. — The ball is off and rolling for a company looking to build a six-storey building at the corner of Main Avenue and Titus Street in Fairview. 

But the proposed development is still in the early stages as two lots the United Gulf Developments Ltd. wants to build on aren’t zoned to permit a multi-unit building of its size.

If approved as is, the building is to include 119 residential units, underground parking for 178 cars and 67 bicycles and 310 square metres of commercial space on the ground floor, according to Upland Planning and Design Studio on behalf of United Gulf Developments.

The landscape architect company applied to have council amend the municipal planning strategy and land-use bylaw for the Dutch Village Road mixed-use zone to increase the maximum building height by half a metre, exempt certain rooftop features from the maximum height limit, exempt the property from the maximum building depth requirement and increase the permitted lot coverage.

Ian Watson, a senior planner with Upland, said the amendments would “lead to an overall much more attractive, rational and developable building.”… [Read More]