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New Plan For Dartmouth Waterfront Includes Cruise Ship Berths

DARTMOUTH – Early plans for a significant redevelopment of Alderney Landing and the Dartmouth waterfront include cruise ship berths and a pedestrian trail connecting King’s Wharf and Ferry Terminal Park.

At the January 19 Community Planning and Economic Development Standing Committee, a group of stakeholders laid out their vision for a revamped Alderney Landing and waterfront.

The group included several representatives from Alderney Landing, as well as stakeholders from the Port of Halifax and downtown Dartmouth. They were at the meeting to explain their vision and ask the municipality to be part of the planning and development process.

A notable aspect of the plan they laid out was space for cruise ship berths on the Dartmouth side of Halifax Harbour.

Docking cruises on the Dark Side is an idea the Port of Halifax has been seriously considering for some time. Huddle first reported on the plan in November. At the time, Port spokesperson Lane Farguson told us that cruise ship berths in Dartmouth could be “transformative.” …[Read More]