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Residential Tenancies Tenant Insurance Decisions Overturned

Nova Scotia Small Claims Court overturned two recent Residential Tenancies Insurance decisions that allow tenants to live in a rental unit without any tenant insurance. These decisions by Residential Tenancies could have potentially created chaos in the rental housing sector. Urchin Property Management Inc made the Small Claims Court appeal.

Click here to view Appeal from an Order of the Director SCCH 515108 – 3332394 Nova Scotia Ltd vs David McLean.

Click here to view Appeal from an Order of the Director SCCH 515109 – Canarose Company Ltd vs Wayne Lambkin.

Reference the above Small Claims Court decisions into evidence at Residential Tenancies tenant insurance coverage hearings.

IPOANS is collecting Small Claim Court appeal documents on overturned Residential Tenancies decisions as part of a research project and for circulation to members.

Anyone who would like to participate in this project can submit their Small Claims Court decisions to, noting in the subject line, NSCC Decision.

Contact Kevin Russell, at or call 902.425-3572 if there are any questions.